I find it amusing how we are so quick to turn to Google for answers to everything in life.
At the height of my indecisiveness on whether to divorce my husband or not, I spent hours scouring Google for the answers to my problems. My Google searches were always along these lines..
Now the funny thing is that just looking at my search terms will very quickly tell you what I wanted to do deep down inside. But do you think I could see that whilst searching? Nope. Instead I looked to Google to clarify everything for me and provide me with some kind of 'aha' moment, where once I'd read the 100th article on divorce, that's when I'd know with certainty what to do. But the answer was always right there inside of me. I just couldn't see it whilst I was so busy searching outside of me for the answers. This answer, this wisdom, is inside all of us, all of the time. But we keep it veiled from ourselves with layer upon layer of incessant thinking, worrying and searching in all the wrong places. Peel back the layers, remove the veil and totally transform how you look at things. It's so simple and so clear. And if it doesn't seem clear to you right now, then I have just the thing for you. Give up on Google and start searching within yourself by clicking right here: www.ptissem.com/gift Love, Ptissem