I recently read a beautiful book by Sydney Banks, called Second Chance. It tells the story of a man who after losing his wife, discovers that he also has limited time left in this world, and can't seem to make sense of the injustice of it all.
In an attempt to sooth the resentment and pain he feels towards life, he takes a trip to Hawaii and stumbles across an enlightened man who becomes a dear friend to him during his trip. After spending most of the trip together, he starts having some beautiful insights about life. Here are some of the biggest insights that I've taken away after reading this book: - That often what we're experiencing in our day to day lives, isn't actually real. It's just our own thought created perception of reality. - That sometimes we can get so bogged down with the challenges life throws at us, that we miss the beauty behind all of it. - There are deep connections available to all of us, all of the time, be that with ourselves or our loved ones, but especially with Allah. - Sometimes we are so busy, that we never quieten down enough to really listen. To listen to our own wisdom and to listen to the insights and inspiration that are always coming to us from Allah. If only we can quieten down long enough to really 'hear' them. If you'd like help overcoming the mental chatter and noise that is making it impossible to have any kind of clarity in your relationship and in your life, then click here to register for my free online relationship webinar. As a special bonus for registering you'll get the opportunity to book a free breakthrough session with me, where we'll work through the challenges you're facing and help get you to a place where it's much easier to really 'hear' the wisdom that is always trying to come through. Just click the link to get started: www.ptissem.com/gift Love, Ptissem
Probably the worst advice ever.
Especially when you're trying to figure out whether you should leave your marriage. Have you ever tried making one of these things? I have. It goes something like this.. 1. Take the serious, life changing decision you have to make and use it as a title on a fresh piece of paper. Draw a line down the middle. 2. Proceed to fill out all the pros and cons of making said decision on each side of the paper, eagerly awaiting that moment of enlightenment when you'll just *know* which path you should take. 3. Still awaiting enlightenment, you realise you probably need more points on your list for it to be honest and balanced. So you search for more and continue writing. Any minute now and I'll just *know*... 4. ............................................................... 5. I know, the bullet points need weighting. I mean how can you possibly compare 'he snores' (obviously a con), to 'he's a great dad' (pro). They're not equal in weight. I need to look at each point independently and weight it accordingly. 6. Head hurts. I feel like those silly people who shove as many marshmallows as they possibly can into their mouths, for no apparent reason. This feels just as pointless, shoving as many bullet points into my mind as possible, leaving no room whatsoever for the enlightenment I was waiting for. 7. Enlightenment. What's that again? 8. Discard piece of paper, telling yourself your decision is too important to be based on a pros and cons list. Well duh! You don't need a pros and cons list to clutter up your mind even more than it is now. What you *do* need, is to watch my online webinar 'How to know for sure whether or not to leave your marriage'. This short, powerful and eye-opening webinar covers: - The 3 biggest mistakes people make when deciding whether or not to leave their marriage - The #1 reason why we get stuck and are unable to make the decision to stay or leave - The simple mind-set shift that will transform how you see yourself, your partner and your relationship - How to finally gain clarity on whether or not you can still salvage your marriage And did I mention it's totally free. You're welcome :-) Click here to register for the webinar. It could be the most beneficial 30 mins you spend this week, so make this the one decision you do take quickly ;-) Love, Ptissem. |